Bypass Resrtriction based on file extension.

People at office or school when ever you guys try to download something (music, applications...etc) you might counter an annoying message which really freaks you out. Say you want to download an file.exe but your admin has blocked .exe at the gateway level. What can one do ??Think about tunneling stuff. Naaaahh .We are hacker ,isn't it? We think smarter not harder. Anyways this is a way by which using your simple web browser you can cheat the best UTM devices in this world. So i had enough talk lets come to the point. Let me give you one live example and show you how exactly it works.

Say you want to download Winamp. You did little bit of googling and found this link :-

You are really happy thinking that you ultimately got your pie . Nope my friend. As soon as you click on that link you will be greeted with a busted message saying Exe is blocked or anything else which really sounds ridiculous.

Then you start thinking like a hack3r. You open your web browser type the same link but garnishing it a little bit with you own tppings:-

Wow no more moronic messages instead a pop-up will show up asking where you want to save the file. Once it downloaded rename the file to winamp.exe. winamp.cda is basically just an example that i'm showing here. You can write anything (.abc , .def.......;) what ever you prefer.

So what happened exactly. Nothing special you are cheating the UTM device extension checking mechanism.

The idea behind this is give you an insight how basically these tunneling tools work. Frankly speaking i have to reverse engineer a very popular tunneling tool Ultrasurf to get this exploit. But the credit must go to the person who found this exploit and create this awesome tool accordingly.

So friends as i said before , Think Smarted Not Harder

Network Based Attacks

Hi friends, you know that there're lots of attacking methods in network security . Here's a collection of links for different kind of attacks :

SYN packet manipulation
-- SYN packet manipulation
-- Syn Flood experiment
-- SYN Cookie

Smurf DOS

-- Description
-- DDOS Anatomy

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Client attacks

-- Description

Service attacks

-- Buffer Overflow attacks
-- Buffer overflow vulnerabilities explained

-- Wireless Attacks Threaten Wired Networks

I hope these links will draw out some important info abt types of attacks used by blackhats and may be able to answer atleast 1% of your queries .

Block port 135 without using any firewall

Are you scared of DCOM exploits. Although there are patches availaible by Microsoft but who wants them .We are hackers so we can create our own protocols .Aren't we?? I hope this tutorial will flash you mind a bit. I'm writting this article keeping just XP prof in mind. I haven't tested it yet on other platforms.

Microsoft RPC port 135, DCOM buffer overrun

Microsoft's RPC implementation runs over TCP port 135.RPC is used by a number of higher level protocols for their transport layer, such as by DCOM.

Vulnerabilities have been found in Microsoft's RPC implementation and the services it gives access to.Closing TCP port 135

It is highly desirable to close port 135. Port 135 is consistently on of the most attacked ports on the Internet.

It is not possible to simply disable the RPC service as there are many essential parts of Windows that require RPC to be running even though they do not make network connections.

However Microsoft does not allow RPC to configured to a different port and by default it is bound to all network interfaces making it vulnerable to attack from the Internet.

Below i have described how to disable services that run on top of RPC, which is desirable in itself, and then to close port 135 itself.

Step 1

Disable RPC dependent services

SSDP Discovery Service
Windows Time
Remote Registry
System Event Notification
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Task Scheduler service
COM+ Event System
COM+ System Application

Step 2

Disable DCOM

1. Run "regedt32.exe" from the Start menu "Run." item.
2. Select the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole"
Set the value "EnableDCOM" to "N".
3. Select the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc"
Edit the value "DCOM Protocols". This may contain a number of
strings.Delete the string "ncacn_ip_tcp"

Configure RPC

1. Run "regedt32.exe" from the Start menu "Run." item.
2. Select the key
Add the string value "ListenOnInternet" and set it to "N".

Step 4

Patching the RPC server

Microsoft RPC cannot be configured not to listen on a different port to 135.Instead it is necessary to patch the system to force it not to use the port.Patching an OS is strictly for advanced users.

The server needs to be patched using a hex editor.I have used Winhex here .

The RPC server is implemented in a file called rpcss.dll, however this file is in constant use.So you will first have to disable it, re-boot, patch it, re-enable it and reboot again.

1. Make a copy of the file rpcss.dll, as a backup.Copy the file from\windows\system32\rpcss.dll into one of your own directories,using Windows Explorer.
2. From the Start menu select Run.
3. Enter "regedt32" and click on OK.
4. Expand the tree and select the key:HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RpcSs
5. Rename the value "ImagePath" to "xImagePath"
6. Exit regedt32 and re-boot the machine. The machine may take longer than normal to start up and some functionality will no longer be available. The Start bar may longer be visible to it is a good idea to have a short cut to a DOS BOX on the desktop. This will be re-enabled later.
7. Run your hex editor and open the file "from \windows\system32\rpcss.dll"
8. Search for the byte sequence "31 00 33 00 35" or the Unicode text "135".
9. Over-write this byte sequence to "30 00 30 00 30". This changes the port from 135 to 000, which DCOM will not be able to open.
10.Save the file in the hex editor.
11.From the Start menu select Run.
12.Enter "regedt32" and click on OK.
13.Expand the tree and select the key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RpcSs
14.Rename the value "xImagePath" to "ImagePath"
15.Exit regedt32 and re-boot the machine
16.The DCOM server should no longer bind to port 135

Who need those stupid packet filtering tools such as firewall when we have a beautiful technique to survive called Reverse Engineering.

I hope you guys will enjoy my work .Your comments are always welcome.

Using Google to Find Security Bugs

Reviewing software for security bugs is a highly recommended best practice. There are various techniques for doing source code reviews, one of them being "static code analysis" which (in most cases) involves the use of a 'grepping' (pattern matching) tool along with a database of patterns that indicate potential security flaws. There are disadvantages to static code analysis: high rate of false positives and the inability to detect logic errors that may lead to security bugs. That said, static code analysis tools can be used to perform a quick first pass on the source code to detect bugs that can be easily identified by a grepping technique ("low hanging fruit"). Some of the free static code analyzers (security) are: Flawfinder, RATS, and SWAAT.

The idea is query Google Code Search using techniques previously reserved for local static code analysis. Here are a few interesting queries:

- SQL Injection in Java caused by executing a dynamic SQL query with user supplied input:*executeQuery.*getParameter.*

- SQL Injection in PHP caused by executing a dynamic SQL query with user supplied input:*mysql_query%5C%28.*%5C%24_%28GET%7CPOST%29.*

- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in Java caused by echoing user supplied input without HTML encoding:*getParameter*

- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in PHP caused by echoing user supplied input without HTML encoding it:*%5C%24_%28GET%7CPOST%29.*

See the resources below for more details and queries:

Google in my opinion is the most handy & the most powerfull hacking tool.Use it smartly